Born in Kochi Prefecture, Japan on 25th December, 1985.
Apr 2006
Enter School of Human Sciences of Waseda University
Mar 2010
Graduate from School of Human Sciences of Waseda University
the Degree of BhSc Awarded
Apr 2010
Enter Graduate School of Science of Kyoto University (MSc course)
Mar 2010
Complete Graduate School of Science of Kyoto University
the Degree of MSc Awarded
Apr 2012
Proceed to Graduate School of Science of Kyoto University (PhD course)
I am a researcher of Wildlife Research Centre (WRC) of Kyoto University.
1. Sawaguri S. (2013) "Talkative Dholes (Nigiyakana Dhole)", (Oideyasu! Yaseidoubutsu No Kenkyushitsu), Asahi Syogakusei Newspaper, 26/Feb/2013, p8, in Japanese
2. Sawaguri S. (2014) "Pup Rearing by Dholes (Dhole No Kosodate)", (Oideyasu! Yaseidoubutsu No Kenkyushitsu), Asahi Syogakusei Newspaper, 10/Jun/2013, p8, in Japanese
3. Tajima T., Hongo S., Matsukawa A., Iida E., Sawaguri S., Nakabayashi M., Matsumoto T., Tawa Y., Nakazawa N. (2016) Introduction to fieldwork #1: Mammal studies in Asia and Africa (Hajimete No Fieldwork 1: Asia, Africa No Honyurui Hen), Tokai University Press, 09/02/2016, pp335, in Japanese (ISBN 978-4-486-02072-1)
1. Sawaguri S., Kasori A., Thirumurugan R., Nandakumaren R., Nakamura M., Sukumar R., Kohshima S. (2012) Vocal Communication in Dholes (Cuon alpinus): Especially on the Function of Whistle Calls. Mammal Society of Japan at Toyko, Japan, 20-23/Sep/2012, Oral in Japanese
2. Sawaguri S., Kasori A., Thirumurugan R., Nandakumaren R., Nakamura M., Sukumar R., Kohshima S. (2012) Vocal Communication in Dholes (Cuon alpinus): On the Function of Whistle Calls. 1st International Seminar on Biodiversity and Evolution (The JSPS Core to Core Program) at Kyoto, Japan, 26/Sep/2012, Oral
3. Sawaguri S., Kasori A., Thirumurugan R., Nandakumaren R., Nakamura M., Sukumar R., Kohshima S. (2012) Vocal Communication in Dholes (Cuon alpinus): On the Function of Whistle Calls. 1st International Workshop on Tropical Biodiversity Conservation (The JSPS Core to Core Program) at Manaus, Brazil, 23-24/Oct/2013, Poster
4. Sawaguri S., Kasori A., Thirumurugan R., Nandakumaren R., Nakamura M., Sukumar R., Kohshima S. (2013) Communication in Dholes (Cuon alpinus): The Ethogram, Vocal Repertoire and Functions of Call Types. 2nd International Seminar on Biodiversity and Evolution (The JSPS Core to Core Program) at Kyoto, Japan, 11/Jun/2013, Poster
5. Sawaguri S., Kasori A., Thirumurugan R., Nandakumaren R., Nakamura M., Sukumar R., Kohshima S. (2013) Communication in Dholes (Cuon alpinus): The Ethogram, Vocal Repertoire and Functions of Call Types. 2nd International Workshop on Tropical Biodiversity Conservation (The JSPS Core to Core Program) at Bangalore, India, 12-13/Sep/2013, Oral
6. Sawaguri S., Sukumar R., Kohshima S. (2014) Den Shifting by Wild Dholes (Cuon alpinus) in Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, Southern India. 3rd International Seminar on Biodiversity and Evolution (The JSPS Core to Core Program) at Kyoto, Japan, 06/Jun/2014, Poster
7. Sawaguri S., Sukumar R., Kohshima S. (2014) The Process, Causes and Functions of Den Shifting by Dholes (Cuon alpinus) at Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, Southern India. Mammal Society of Japan at Kyoto, Japan, 4-7/Sep/2014, Oral in Japanese
8. Sawaguri S., Sukumar R., Kohshima S. (2014) Pup Rearing by Dholes (Cuon alpinus) in and around a Den near Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, Southern India. The 3rd International Workshop on Tropical Biodiversity Conservation (The JSPS Core to Core Program) at Arusha, Tanzania, 22-23/Sep/2014, Poster
9. Sawaguri S., Kasori A., Thirumurugan R., Nandakumaren R., Nakamura M., Sukumar R., Kohshima S. (2015) Evidence that repeated whistle calls are a medium-range contact call to reassemble among invisible pack members in dholes (Cuon alpinus). The 4th International Workshop on Tropical Biodiversity Conservation (The JSPS Core to Core Program) (Penang, Malaysia, 8-9/Sep/2015, Poster)
【Outreach Activities】
1. Sawaguri S. (2014) "What is the Dhole? Talkative, Strong Bonded Canid of Mystery", TIF Wonder Campus, Kids Jumboly 2014 at Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, 12-14/Aug/2014, in Japanese
Last Update: 04/Mar/2019